For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have appointed it to you to make atonement on the altar for your lives, since it is the lifeblood that makes atonement.
Leviticus 17:11
As a substitute for not being able to offer sacrifices for atonement in the Temple of God, Judaism has replaced blood offerings with prayers.
Our six part series on the Jewish argument for atonement in the absence of sacrifices outlines each argument and details how this belief is not scripturally based.
Click On Each Link Below
King Solomon’s Prayer Of Dedication: The Jewish Argument For Atonement In The Absence Of Sacrifices Part 1
Jonah: The Jewish Argument For Atonement In The Absence of Sacrifices Part 2
Jeremiah 29:The Jewish Argument For Atonement In The Absence of Sacrifices Part 3
Esther: The Jewish Argument For Atonement In The Absence of Sacrifices Part 4
Jeremiah 33: The Jewish Argument For Atonement In The Absence of Sacrifices Part 5
Why Do Jews Believe There Will Be A Third Physical Temple Of God? Part 6
A Breakdown Of All The Promises And Covenants God Made To Abraham