The Wailing Wall is an ancient limestone wall in the old city of Jerusalem. It is a small segment of a once much larger retaining wall. It is also known as the Western Wall. The Wailing Wall is a small portion of the foundation stones of the Temple of God in Jerusalem.
The wall was originally erected as part of the expansion of the second Temple of God which was commissioned by Herod the Great.
The only significance attributed to this wall is its proximity to the Temple Mount. Since the Dome of The Rock mosque was built, the Wailing Wall has become a substitute and a holy place where the Jewish people are permitted to pray. These stones are not only the foundation stones of the former Temple. The original Temple also stood on these stones making them sacred to the Jewish people. These ruins are all that is left since the destruction of the Temple of God in 70 A.D and the construction of the Dome of the Rock mosque in 685 A.D.
When the original Temple of God was built, King Solomon said a prayer of dedication for the Temple and God confirmed that He would hear the prayers of the people that were made at the Temple. For this reason, the Jewish people believe that even though the Temple has been destroyed, they can still pray towards the Temple’s foundation stones today and be heard by God. They also believe that praying towards the foundation stones is the same as offering a blood sacrifice to atone for sins.
This belief however, is not biblical. It is a compromise of the word of God. There must be an earthly Temple with a subsequent high priest, blood sacrifice and offering in order for God to grant forgiveness of sins and honor prayers.
The only other option for the Jewish people to be able to receive forgiveness of sins is to adopt the heavenly Temple system.
This can all be accomplished through the teachings of Jesus. But praying towards foundation stones and hoping God will forgive sins and answer prayers is a compromise that is not sanctioned by God. Forgiveness of sins cannot be received without Jesus the Messiah.